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Creating an Active Directory testing environment
Why set up a lab environment?
Does it have to be this complicated?
Alternative lab options
Overview of the lab we will create (2:43)
Installing VMWare Workstation
VMWare Workstation Installation
Creating the pfSense router
Why pfSense?
Obtaining pfSense
Video: Extract pfSense. (0:30)
Create the VMWare instance
Install pfSense
Configure pfSense
Video: pfSense build. (7:10)
Creating "DC1"
Create DC1
Installing Windows Server OS
Configuring DC1
DNS forwarding
Video: DC1 Build (10:58)
pfSense Web Interface
Video: pfSense Web Interface. (2:20)
Creating "DC2"
Create DC2
Installing Windows Server OS
Configuring DC2
Video: DC2 Build. (8:15)
Configure AD Sites and Services
Configure sites
Video: Configuring Sites. (2:43)
Creating "DC3"
Create DC3
Installing Windows Server OS
Configuring DC3
Video: DC3 Build. (10:06)
Creating "SVR"
Create SVR
Installing Windows Server OS
Configure SVR
Video: SVR Build. (4:57)
Creating "CLIENT"
Create the CLIENT machine
Installing Windows Client OS
Configure CLIENT
Video: CLIENT build. (9:57)
Some Ideas
[Optional] What about Cloud Providers and Automation?
Environment Setup
Example Lab Deployment
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